
CiSHAN Nigeria

CiSHAN has been at the forefront of the battle against HIV/AIDS in Nigeria since the HIV response began in Nigeria. Our organization's unwavering commitment at creating a society free from the scourge of HIV/AIDS has resulted in numerous accomplishments and positive changes in the lives of those infected and affected by this devastating disease. Read more >>>

CiSHAN envision a Nigerian Society free from of HIV and AIDS and all its attendant social, political, economic and cultural consequences.


CiSHAN is committed to mitigating the impact and preventing the spread of HIV and AIDS in its entirety thereby making Nigeria free of HIV and AIDS.


Core Values:
Passion, Courage, Transparency, Accountability, Volunteerism, and Service

Our track record says it all...

Some previous CiSHAN Events

Conference by CiSHAN

Barcelona Hotel, Abuja

CiSHAN Public Programme

Abuja Outreach

Public Discourse by CiSHAN

Online Outreach

CiSHAN Mobilzation Event

South-South Outreach

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