Monitoring of User Fees and Domestic Resources Across Nigeria

The illegal non-government approved charges imposed on PLHIV across treatment facilities in Nigeria has continued unabated despite various efforts by the Civil Society and promises by the government in ending these unreasonable fees. Making more challenging is the notion in making states and quarters that HIV services ought to be paid for just like any other services in various treatment facilities across the country. The proponents of these fees had gleaned on the removal of chemistry and hematology support previously provided by the US government as well as the poos negotiating power of people living with HIV/AIDs in Nigeria to continuous reap them off their borrowed merger resources anytime they visit the facilities to access drugs that were procured and supplied to the facilities free of charge.   
The Civil Society for HIV/ADS in Nigeria is therefore poised once more to embark on targeted monitoring of the user fees across treatment facilities in Nigeria to generate additional evidence and also report same to Governors of the remaining states where User Fees is still an issue. In doing this, efforts will also be made to ensure that resources allocated to Health and HIV/AIDS responses in states are increased through the annual budgetary cycles in various states commencing from August 2019.  


Strategic Activities:

  • 1. CiSHAN National Office in partnership with its CCEs is conducting independent monitoring  visits to facilities to generate up to date evidence on User Fees

  • 2. CiSHAN National Office in partnership with its CCEs will write to state Governors, Commissioners for Health, and SACA PM forwarding the list of facilities charging the fees and demanding an end to the fees 

  • 3. CiSHAN National officer in Partnership with CCEs will write to the Hon Minister for Health with the list of all tertiary facilities still charging User Fees and demand that an executive memo be released directing them to eliminate the user fees. 

  • 4. Each State CCEs will write to the Hon Commissioner for Budget Planning, State Planning Commission and Ministries of Planning for CSOs participation in the Ministry of Health Planning processes. The state CCEs will follow up and ensure that the budget for HIV commodities and consumables are included in the state budget.

  • 5. CiSHAN will collate all information relating to state government budget allocation and release

  • 6. The 2023 CSO accountability forum will highlight efforts made by various states in 1-45 above and a national communique will be issue in this regard. NACA, NASCP, PEPFAR, GF, CCM and WHO will also be communicated on the progress made. 

Our track record says it all...

Some previous CiSHAN Events

Conference by CiSHAN

Barcelona Hotel, Abuja

CiSHAN Public Programme

Abuja Outreach

Public Discourse by CiSHAN

Online Outreach

CiSHAN Mobilzation Event

South-South Outreach